Monday, April 25, 2011

Rat Tart with SPAM....

Greetings Programs....(Awww Come on, you KNEW I was going to say it at least ONCE)

     So today's topic is, of course, Rat wait, that's not right. Let me check my notes.....

Notes: Kill this stupid recruiter who emailed me the same email from 5 accounts

Right, today's topic for our recruiters is SPAM. What it is, why geeks hate is as much as you do and most importlantly, why deleting the email only removes the mail from our inbox and not our opinion of you from our memories. (And trust me, geeks can hold a grudge)

So in case you weren't aware. There are three types of emails from recruiters.
  1. Job offers that match our resume's and our skillsets
  2. Legitimate requests from recruiters who undnerstand our skill set and ask us honestly if we know someone.
  3. The rest of the CRAP in our inbox
I received 13 emails today about the same job. And I will tell you that not one of them was referencing a skill set I either currently have or one I have had in the past. There is nothing in my past, present, or future that says I am a Java developer (see my earlier post on javascript vs. Java). And yet, I received 13 emails from 4 different companies. The 5 mentioned above, 5 more, and then three from 3 different recruiters whop worked at the same company.

To all you recruiters who Spam and call and just don't seem to give a damn as long as we have the right's a hint...very few people what to be completely identified as a skillset. I am more than the sum of my nerdy knowledge, and most importantly...if I feel you are just throwing my resume at the wall to see what me, it won't be me.

Have a good night all and check back on this post. I may have some suggestions when I am not so tired.

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