Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How do I find thee, let me count the ways.....

Good evening all, (or however many of you there are)

     So I started writing this Blog to help give advice and translate to recruiters from the geeks point of view and to geeks from the recruiters. But tonight it's going to be different. Tonight it's questions and answer time.

     You see, in the last few weeks, I have learned a couple of things.
  1. If you want to be good at it, recruiting is hard and can be a bit lonely
  2. I know a lot of geeks but not nearly enough to "instantly" have someone for "any" job
  3. Recruiting is a lot more like coding than I believed
  4. I am not above begging
Let's address these points in order here and maybe this will still give both you geeks and you recruiters some food for thought.

Recruiting is Hard
     So for the last few weeks I have been trying to find a few someone's for a few different positions. I will mention some specifics when the time is right. Essentially, I spend my day looking at job requisitions. And then going thought multiple systems trying to find someone to match the description. I know what you are thinking, "So what's so hard about that?" Well it comes down to something I have mentioned before....Job Requisitions and poor feedback. You see I get job orders all the time for the equivelent of a 45 year old never been married man's dating profile.....

     SWM in search of SWF I am 5'6" 225 lbs of wonderful guy looking for Ms. Right. She should be single (not divorced, not seperated but single) 5'6 to 5'9" and HWP (but not weighing over 120 lbs.) between the ages of 20 and 45 (though she should look 25....really) who is a yoga or aerobics instructor. An intelligent woman who is looking for a guy who really wants someone to take care of him just like mom BTW, about mom. You will like her, she keeps mostly to her part of the house and leaves me alone when I am in my basement love nest........etc

   When we get jobs it's because the employer has already posted it on Monster, Careerbuilder, Dice et al. and not like what they got for submissions. The employer has also likely looked on every board and talked to at least half their staff to see if anyone "knows" anyone. Thus, anyone usually "looking" has already been found. Now it's time to pick through the hard way and search in a way that wasn't thought of before. I'm not saying all recruiters do this....I get plenty of Spam Mass Generated email for my skills as a BSA...but the good ones do. BTW, if a good one writes and asks you for help....they mean it, they could use your help. So even if you don't know anyone do us a favor, write us back and just tell us, "sorry don't know anyone" sometimes it helps just to know our emails are going through (That's the lonely part)

I know a lot of geeks but....
     So I will admit it here and now. I am hoping my blog get's shared and whole bunches of people either look me up on Linked In or sign my guestbook or post comments or whatever. Why? Because in this age of personal seperation, where kids stay inside and text each other instead of going over to one another's house and TALKING to each other, I have learned one important thing......It's as much WHO you know as WHAT you know.

    So yes I want to be introduced to all sorts of people in all sorts of skill sets and all over the place. And I want to "link up" with you or "friend" you or whatever. Why, because in this day and age of no corporate loyalty, there is nothing better to have in your back pocket than a recruiter. Especially one who knows geek and wouldn't submit you if he didn't know you were a fit <looks shyly away, humbly digging toe in the sand>.

Recruiting and Coding
Have you ever spent all your time and energy and every little bit of creative juice you had on getting a miraculous peice of code implemented or even worse, spent FOREVER on a project that went all the way to pilot and then was never released......yeah? See my previous post (Top Ten List: #5) and you will understand that the pain exists in EVERY field having to do with IT.

Okay everyone who reads this, I can really use your help. Please check my Linked In account for my most urgent need at this time. Since the interenet is forever (even longer when it comes to certain celebrity video tapes) I am not going to put my current need's into this post just click on the link below to be taken to my linked in and read my most recent job positions. Also, send ALL your friends the link to my blog if you find any of my musings in any way interesting.....and send THEM my Linked In account as well.....

Yeah that's enough begging....I just found some dignity in my frony jeans pocket and I think I'll keep it....No Wait....I was wrong....If you are in my network and you actually have something nice to say about about a recommendation? Okay, Dignity is all gone....see you later this week.

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